Private Wesley Albert Campbell

Private Wesley Albert Campbell


Born: Nov 5, 1890 Barrie, ON

Lived in Vasey, ON

Killed in Action – July 23, 1917 at Avion in the Fosse 4 Raid

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The names of 11, 285 men are engraved in the marble facing of the Canadian National War Memorial at Vimy. The memorial is dedicated for those who fell in battle in the Great War who know no known grave. 18% or almost 1 in every 5 soldier who was killed while fighting the battles of the war were never recovered. Private Wesley Albert Campbell was one of them.

Wesley Campbell was a 26 yr old farmer when he decided to travel north to the town of Midland and join the 177th CEF Battalion. Not much is known about the man. He was 5 ft 4 and only weighed 135 lbs…yet both of these two attributes would put him in the average range of his battalion mates. The 177th was raised in Midland, Ontario throughout the winter and spring of 1915/1916. The men arrived at Camp Borden in June 1916 and departed for England for training later that October. Soon after arriving, Campbell was moved to the other Simcoe Foresters Battalion, the 157th but quickly found himself with the 116th in December of 1916.


While Campbell participated with the 116th in the attack on Vimy, the battalion would not really get their true taste of modern war until the diversionary attack at the Fosse 4 trench system near Avion. The attack would be recorded as a great victory for the Canadians and the 116th, however it would prove to be a very costly adventure. 2 officers killed, 2 more missing. 10 Other Ranks killed and another 15 Missing. To lose 4 officers and 25 men after being together for between 6 mths and almost 2 years. This would be the first of many deadly days for the 116th, however for family of Private Campbell and the modest farming community of Vasey, it would be one of the deadliest.

Lest we forget.